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Winner 2021

Interactive Business

Also nominated

TEXTAR virtual compounder challenge

Yacht Showroom

ARVUS – Understanding spaces together

vrisch + M.O.O.CON, Wien

The new spatial planning rules: inclusion, participation, and transparency from day one. Meet ARVUS, a collaborative visual tool created by planners and digital pioneers that facilitates communication and understanding for diverse teams when planning their future shared spaces together. Whether you’re planning a shared office, a park, or any common public area, ARVUS brings you the tools you need to focus on what really matters —creating spaces that inspire people to work, live, and thrive.

Interactive Entertainment


NowHere Media, Berlin

Co-Producers:, Poke Poke Creative, Fasad und ZHdK

KUSUNDA is a voice-driven virtual reality experience about what makes a language fall asleep and what it takes to awaken one. Kusunda shaman Lil Bahadur has forgotten his indigenous mother tongue. His granddaughter, Hima, wants to revive it.
Every two weeks a language falls asleep. Most languages at threat belong to indigenous communities such as Kusunda in Nepal. When we lose a language we lose a worldview, making our project relevant and urgent.
Lil Bahadur, who led a traditional hunter gatherer lifestyle for 40 years, lost his mother tongue when he settled in the village. “When my parents died I had no one left to speak my mother tongue with. Slowly the language started fading away,” he says with a sense of resignation.
Lil’s granddaughter Hima, represents a modern Kusunda identity and is taking on the challenge to revive her mother tongue. “I am proud of my heritage and culture. I’ll do whatever I can to preserve it and I’m confident of succeeding.”

Also nominated

A Place Like No (ASCII VR)
Alex Mejda (Game Design BA, HTW Berlin), Berlin

videoreality GmbH + TimeLeapVR, Frankfurt am Main

Young Talent

Also nominated

Lukas Kröninger, Wien

Happy Moments Of Balance III
Shelly Alon, Hamburg

In Case You Don’t Know What To Play

Aaron Schwerdtfeger, Paul Morat (Interaction Design Lab, Fachhochschule Potsdam), Berlin

In Case You Don’t Know What To Play is a framework for designing a Virtual Reality application that uses a spatial distortion mechanism to influence the user’s visual perception and ultimately manipulates their sense of time. Spatial orientation allows us to judge distances regarding their temporal component. In particular, in self-motion we can estimate the duration it takes to cover a given distance, since temporal and spatial perception are connected. Distance perception during self-motion is composed of visual, vestibular, and proprioceptive information. Once a discrepancy between this information is present, the brain tends to prefer mainly the visual information. The sensual connection can be broken with the help of Virtual Reality technology and a perceptual conflict can be created.

Best Innovation

In this year the jury decided to award the Silver Honor to all three nominated projects in the category Best Innovation

NOYS VR x Sony Innovation Board – Virtual Showcase

NOYS VR UG, Hamburg

smartBRIDGE Hamburg: Der digitale Zwilling der Köhlbrandbrücke

customQuake GmbH, MKP GmbH, WTM Engineers GmbH, IFSB GmbH im Auftrag der Hamburg Port Authority AöR, Hamburg

Wallspace AR – tesa

Demodern GmbH, Hamburg

Best Installation

Also nominated

Diving Theatre
VR Coaster GmbH & Co KG, Kaiserslautern


Phoenix Reality GmbH, Hamburg

SymArea is a modular display area for mixed reality multi-user experiences.

It networks MR glasses with other sensory stimulating technologies such as projection mapping, lighting technology, surround sound, haptic buttons as well as odor simulators to create a symphony of the senses.

SymArea consists of modular wall elements that, when assembled, create a room. The technology is built into these walls. The elements can be freely combined with each other using plug-in wall systems.

On the one hand, SymArea greatly increases immersion.
On the other hand, the combination of technologies opens up innovative possibilities for designing experiences. For example, holograms can be pushed into the projection plane in order to use them as an item inventory. Or holograms can be illuminated in color by light modules. Or, or, or…

SymArea can be used in many ways. First we focus on the location based entertainment sector with our live adventure project Paranoid.

Community Award

A Place Like No (ASCII VR)

Alex Mejda (Game Design BA, HTW Berlin), Berlin

A Place Like No is a VR adventure prototype for Oculus Quest, whose world consists entirely of ASCII characters. Inspiration for this bachelor thesis in game design were adventures of the early 80s (e.g. Rogue), which had to represent their world with characters due to a lack of graphical possibilities. A Place Like No makes a virtue out of necessity and uses the possibilities of VR to let players explore such a world up close. With its game mechanics based on signs and words, A Place Like No takes players into a mysterious world full of danger and riddles, where words change the world and everything seems to be charged with meaning. Playable on Oculus Quest (Android, mobile) and on popular Windows-based VR platforms (HTC Vive, Valve Index, Oculus Rift, Windows Mixed Reality). The prototype has a playtime of 15-30 minutes and is representative of a vision of a full ASCII VR adventure game.

Also nominated

AR-STORY Schmetterlinge (Artenschutz-Mission für FUTURE LEAF)
pimento formate UG, Berlin

smartBRIDGE Hamburg: Der digitale Zwilling der Köhlbrandbrücke
customQuake GmbH, MKP GmbH, WTM Engineers GmbH, IFSB GmbH im Auftrag der Hamburg Port Authority AöR, Hamburg

Tower of Doom
Finn Lichtenberg, Bremen

360° Movie

This year, the jury decided not to nominate and award any project in the 360° Movie category.

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    Sonja Lust

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