Elle Langer
Medieninnovations- und XR-Kommunikationsmanagerin
Speakerin, Design Thinking Coach und Buchautorin
pimento medienproduktions GmbH + pimento formate GmbH
Elle is an experienced media producer, co-founder and managing director of Pimento Medienproduktions GmbH in Berlin. Since 2000, she has realized numerous national and international media projects.
In 2020, Elle founded the XR tech startup Pimento Formate GmbH, which launched the first media platform FUTURELEAF.space with innovative AR formats for young people, which have already won awards.
As a former board member of XRBB, she made a significant contribution to the establishment of XR media in Germany.
Elle was involved in developing the ARXperience tool, an AR technology for blockchain, NFT and green hosting that anyone can use to produce and monetize AR formats.